GRADES 3 - 7
HUNTER COLLEGE J.H.S (Exam taken in Grade 6)
Three sections: verbal, mathematics and writing.
Verbal topics covered: vocabulary ability, sentence completion, analogies, and reading comprehension.
Mathematics topics covered: mathematical concepts and principles, word problems and computation problems.
Writing topics covered: simulated Hunter exams’ essay topic, grammars, structures, and punctuation.
COMMON CORE EXAMS (Grades 3 – 8)
English Language Arts (ELA) topics covered: reading and understanding literary passages, grammar, usage, spelling and punctuation, reading comprehension and words meaning – basic understanding, analyze text, evaluate and extend meaning, identify reading strategies
Mathematics test topics covered: know and apply facts and definitions, problems solving, read and interpret graphs and tables, interpret and apply the signs, symbols, and terms used to represent concepts, graph, chart computation, problem solving – number relation, estimation,measurement, geometry sense, data analysis, etc.
WRITING (Grades 5 – 6)
Focus of writing courses may vary with respect to the level.
Usage, structure, creativity, style, focus, use of language & the ability to express ideas effectively.
Planning – brainstorming and idea hunting
Organizing – listing details and grouping
Writing – introduction, body, conclusion
Revising – proofreading
JOHNS HOPKINS University Center for Talented Youths (Grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Verbal topics covered: reading comprehension, ability to apply knowledge of language structure and meaning appropriately, analogies.
Quantitative Ability topics covered: Knowledge of mathematical concepts and principles, quantitative comparisons and computationproblems.